Support this Project

By Prayers, Giving and makeing your skills available when required.
AletheiaHub is a robust platform that offers various services to minister to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our deepest desire is to offer safe and healthy online believers community services. We trust the Lord to supply grace for our team to offer us all with the best services. However, if in any way we are unable to immediately meet your desires; then, the reason could be attributed to one of the following limitations; shortage of man power, shortage of technical know-how or Shortage of funds.

Be rest assured that, donations obtained in the name of AletheiaHub shall be duly channeled towards fulfilling the objectives of the platform. Also, to enable the platform fulfil its objectives, inflows via donations will be judiciously used to fulfill the financial obligations and commitments of AletheiaHub. These include; payment of subscriptions, maintenance fees, salaries, as well as savings towards owning dedicated server(s) for AletheiaHub. Additionally, donations, will be channeled towards meeting the basic needs of true missionaries of our Lord Jesus Christ, the less privileged (orphans, widows etc.) and as many as the Lord will direct the leadership of the platform to reach out to.

Thus, we invite and encourage you to build this platform together with us by supporting in whatever capacity as the Lord has ministered grace unto you. This could range from funding, volunteering to make your skills available, offering up useful counsel or by praying earnestly for our team members. You can reach us via the “Contact Us” page. Thank you.

The LORD bless you and keep you, the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace on every side in Jesus Name; Amen!
Example of a blinking text using CSS within a marquee ... earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints ... Preserving the Truth ... Securing the future of God's Heritage ... Raising Briliant & Balanced Christians
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